Fluoride Treatment
in Orlando, FL
Fluoride treatment is a preventive dental procedure that helps strengthen tooth enamel and protect against tooth decay. At Sand Lake Dental in Orlando, FL, we offer professional fluoride treatments to patients of all ages. Our experienced dental team applies a concentrated fluoride solution to your teeth, which helps remineralize and strengthen the enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria and plaque. With our fluoride treatment, you can maintain optimal oral health and prevent cavities. Schedule your fluoride treatment in Orlando, FL at Sand Lake Dental to keep your smile healthy and strong.
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps to strengthen teeth and protect them from cavities caused by dental decay. Dental decay happens when the sugars in the food and drink we consume interact with the bacteria in the mouth and produce a sticky film on the teeth called plaque and plaque acids. If plaque and these acids are not removed from our teeth promptly, they can start to cause damage. Plaque acids will eventually erode the outermost layer of the tooth, exposing the softer, inner sections which are more sensitive and can cause pain. If decay is left untreated, it can eventually penetrate the pulp which is the innermost part of the tooth where the roots are located. If the roots become affected by decay, they will be unable to deliver blood and nutrients to the tooth that are needed to keep it healthy which can result in the tooth dying and falling out or requiring extraction.
Studies have shown that fluoride treatments are highly effective at providing additional protection against tooth decay when it is applied at least twice a year. For this reason, many dentists are now offering fluoride treatments alongside your regular, six-month dental check-ups. It is especially recommended for those patients who are at higher risk of developing cavities.
There are various groups of people who are more likely to suffer from dental cavities that would significantly benefit from fluoride treatment. These include people:
In addition to regular fluoride treatments on a schedule determined by your dentist, there are some foods and drinks which contain reasonably high levels of fluoride and could boost your intake. These include:
If you think that you could benefit from fluoride treatment, please contact our office to schedule an appointment.